Custom Event Fields

Custom Event fields are optional data that can be included in the Upcoming Group Events API.

See Custom Event Fields for details on the use of custom event fields.

End Point

The end point must include the optional parameter includeCustomFields=1.

Custom Event Fields

FieldNameConfirm DateThe name of the custom field.
FieldTypeDATEThe type of the custom field. The following field types are available:
  • TEXT-LINE - Text (single line), e.g. "Blue uniforms"
  • TEXT-PARA - Text (multiple lines) using the \n character to delimit lines, e.g. "On\nmultiple\nlines."
  • INTEGER - Whole number, e.g. "23"
  • FLOAT - Number with decimals, e.g. "23.56"
  • DATE - Date of the format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. "2017-05-01"
  • TIME - Time of the format HH-MM-SS, e.g. "12-05-00"
  • CHECKBOX - 0 for unchecked, 1 for checked, e.g. "1"
  • DROPDOWNLIST-SINGLE - Text (from a set of choices), e.g. "Blue uniforms"
  • DROPDOWNLIST-MULTIPLE - A list of text values, delimited by the \n character, e.g. "Red\nGreen\nYellow"
FieldValue2017-03-31The value of the custom field.
AdminOnly11 if this is a field only for group administrators, 0 otherwise.


		"Name":"April Fools Day Parade",
				"FieldName":"Confirm Date",
				"FieldName":"Ticket Price",