End Point
GET https://muzodo.com/api/v1/group/:group_api_key/events |
Request Parameters
Path Parameter | Value |
group_api_key | Your group API Key found on your Group details page. |
Optional Parameters
Optional parameters can be appended to the End Point to alter the API response, either to filter or request more information.
e.g. GET https://muzodo.com/api/v1/group/:group_api_key/events?includeCustomFields=1
Parameter | Value |
includeCustomFields | 0 to exclude (default) or 1 to include. |
Response Format
A successful request returns an HTTP Status Code of 200 OK and the body contains event details formatted as an array of JSON records.
Records are sorted by Date, Start Time, Name. All times are local, as entered for the event.
Response Fields
Field | Example | Description |
GUID | 9C8F6C7E-B1A6-7674-5D0B-0EAEF1A3F32A | The globally unique identifier of the event. | |
Name | May Day Parade | Name of the event. |
Confirmed | 1 | 1 = Confirmed. 0 = Unconfirmed. |
Cancelled | 0 | 1 = Cancelled. 0 = Not cancelled. |
Address | cnr W Hastings / Hornby St | Address of the event. This is populated only for PUBLIC events. |
MapUrl | http://googlemaps.com/{coords} | Map URL, if given. Note this may be any URL. e.g. a Google Maps URL or a URL to a PDF or web page. |
Date | 2022-04-01 | Date of the event. |
FormattedDate | Fri 01 Apr 2022 | Friendly date format. |
ArriveTime | 13:00:00 | Arrive time. If not filled in, has value: 00:00:00. |
FormattedArriveTime | 1pm | If not filled in, has value: TBD |
StartTime | 14:15:00 | Start time. If not filled in, has value: 00:00:00. |
FormattedStartTime | 2:15pm | If not filled in, has value: TBD |
PlayTime | 14:15:00 | DEPRECATED. Use Start time instead. |
FormattedPlayTime | 2:15pm | DEPRECATED. Use FormattedStartTime time instead. | |
EndTime | 17:00:00 | End time. If not filled in, has value: 00:00:00. |
FormattedEndTime | 5pm | If not filled in, has value: TBD |
CreateDateTime | 2016-12-20 22:04:02 | Date and time the event was created. |
ArriveDateTime | 20220401T130000 | Arrive Date and Time concatenated (can be used for comparison purposes). |
EndDateTime | 20220401T170000 | End Date and Time concatenated (can be used for comparison purposes). |
CustomEventFields | See details | JSON array of custom fields. |
"Name":"April Fools Day Parade",
"Address":"cnr W Hastings / Hornby St",
"FormattedDate":"Fri 01 Apr 2022",
"CreateDateTime":"2022-12-20 22:04:02",
{"FieldName":"Confirm Date","FieldType":"DATE","FieldValue":"2022-03-31","AdminOnly":"0"},
{"FieldName":"Ticket Price","FieldType":"FLOAT","FieldValue":"11.99","AdminOnly":"1"}