Muzodo is an online music group member scheduling system.
It saves you time by keeping track of who is available to perform at all of your events.
- Let everyone know there's a gig (event) coming up.
- Your members can review event details at any time - including date, time, address and map.
- One click responses. Each email contains the event details.
Your members can response with Yes, No or Maybe and leave a comment.
- Keep track of who can make it - from your desktop or mobile device.
- Send reminders - manually or automatically.
- Send out general announcements with group email - your group gets its own email address.
- Get a daily summary of responses, sent to your inbox
- No more wading through 100's of emails. View responses online or download them to Excel.
- Add event details to your personal calendar, either one by one or automatically.
How it works
Your conductor needs to know who can make an upcoming performance.
- You (or any group administrator) enters the event details.
- Muzodo sends an email to each member of the group containing the details and asking if he/she can attend.
- The group members respond with 'Yes', 'No' or 'Maybe'. One click is all that's needed!
- You (or any group administrator) view the responses or download a consolidated report of all the responses.
Step 2: Muzodo emails the group. Can they attend?
See also: