Get a weekly or monthly snapshot of your group's activities.
It's always interesting to get some stats on how your group is doing.
Below is an example of an email that you, as an administrator can receive, either weekly or monthly:
To update your preference, login, open the 'My Details' tab, click on settings on the right and you'll find the option in the 'Administrators Area'.
How are the Snapshot numbers calculated?
All numbers are with repect to the time period at the top of the email.
Number of performance events. Note deleted and cancelled events are not included.
Total hours performed. If no times are specified for a performance, it is assumed to be 2 hours.
The total number of members at the performances. If your group does not record attendance, this is the number of members with 'Yes' responses.
Number of rehearsals. Note deleted and cancelled rehearsals are not included.
Total hours rehearsed. If no times are specified for a rehearsal, it is assumed to be 2 hours.
The total number of members at the rehearsals. As with performances, if your group does not record attendance, this is the number of members with 'Yes' responses.
Notifications sent
Total number of notifications sent to your group for the events in this period. Note this includes 'info only' members.
Responses received
The total number of responses by your members to your events in this period. Responses are per event per member, so should a member respond more than one time to one event, this will count as one response.
The total number of auto-reminders Muzodo sent to your members for the events in this period, in accordance with your auto-reminder settings for each event.
Response rates
Note: The following exclude 'info only' notifications and 'maybe' responses.
Responded Yes
Percentage of 'Yes' responses of the total number of notifications sent to your group for the events in this period.
Responded No
Percentage of 'No' responses of the total number of notifications sent to your group for the events in this period.
Silence (crickets!). Percentage of notifications that were not responded to.
Group Email and App
What is group email?
Email Sent
Number of emails sent to the group using Group Email.
Email Received
Number of emails received by your members over Group Email.
Mobile App
Number of members in your group with the Muzodo app installed.
Total members
Number of members in your group at the time the snapshot email is sent. This number excludes 'inactive' members.
Number of members in your group with member status 'Perm'.
Number of members in your group with member status 'Extra'.
Top Responders
Your group's fastest responders for the period. The time is the average time between notification and their initial response.
* Only members who've responded to ALL the events they were invited to are eligible.
* In addition, the event creator is not eligible - just to give your members a chance! ;)