Let your group know what numbers you're doing.
Entering your set/play lists is easy. Things to note:
You can add set lists when creating or editing events.
For convenience, you can copy and paste set lists from text. The text needs to be in a specific format, a tune per line, with quotes around the title and a comma separating the title from the composer/arranger, such as:
"Eine klein Nachtmusik", by Norwald "The Entertainer", by Scott Joplin "Capriol (A Suite For String Orchestra)" "Symphony No 2 Mvt III Scherzo" "The Easy Winners", by JoplinNote that the above format is the export format from forScore, a popular digital sheetmusic iPad app. You can also paste just title names:
Eine klein Nachtmusik The Entertainer Symphony No 2 Mvt III Scherzo The Easy WinnersIf you have the length of the tune, you can include it on the end of the line (as min:sec):
Eine klein Nachtmusik 3:45 The Entertainer 2:00 Symphony No 2 Mvt III Scherzo 4:30 The Easy Winners 2:30
Copy this text to the clipboard, click the 'Paste Text' link and paste in the resulting text box as shown below: