Muzodo Logo

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What is Muzodo?

Muzodo is an online music group member scheduling system. It saves you time by keeping track of who is available to perform at all of your events.

  • Let everyone know there's a gig (event) coming up
  • One click responses
  • Keep track of who can make it
  • Send reminders
  • Send out general announcements
  • No more wading through 100's of emails

Adding an event

Enter the place and time.

Adding an event - include details

Use previous gigs as templates

Start typing the name and matching gigs in the past are shown.

Adding an event - choose invitees

If you don't like clarinets - don't invite them!

Include your song/play list (or add it later)

It's easy to choose tunes from past events.

Click submit and Muzodo emails the group

A Muzodo email - just one click to respond!

They click on Yes, No or Maybe

The Muzodo response screen (mobile friendly)

Emily clicked 'YES'. Muzodo confirms and reminds her of any unanswered events too.

Get members to select their own subs/deps

Fred clicked 'NO'. If the group option is set, Muzodo prompts for a sub.

The Muzodo response summary

Group members can update their responses and add events to their personal calendars.

The Administrator's event summary

You can see attendance numbers at a glance and click on an event to see the details.

Responses to an event

You can also download responses to all the events to Excel.

View responses to ALL upcoming events

You can also download responses to all the events to Excel.

Send reminders to the 'No Replies'

Let's face it, there's always one! Pick and choose who to send it to by clicking on the link.

Get daily (or hourly) updates in your email

Saves you logging in to check if someone's replied. Change this in your 'My Details' tab.

Performance program helper

Copy event summary to an email or to add to a program (various formats).

Record attendance

One click updates the member's attendance.
The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
Alan Kay